Cultural Tours in Georgia
How can you describe the land, which was at the crossroads of civilizations from the beginning of the times? How to submit a culture which absorbed the exciting and unique elements of different cultures, and in this case represented by a single entity? The answer is quite simple, that it is better to see and experience personally.
It is the journey to the Center of the Caucasus on the following routes of the Golden Fleece, to discover the natural and cultural riches of Georgia, crossing point between East and West.
From the capital, multiethnic and multicultural city tour is following through the Georgian Military Road, built in the days of the kings, visiting historical sites, ancient monasteries, carved into the rock towns, impressive glaciers and ancient fortresses. The route takes us through the beautiful mountain of the Caucasus to the region of Colchis on the Black Sea.
Cultural Tours in Georgia is almost always better to start from Tbilisi. With its “Parisian” embankments and untouched old town, comparable with collections of Art Deco and Art Nouveau, with its restaurants, which offer an atmosphere impregnated with aromas of national culture.
Tbilisi is a city bursting with life, and as such, is one of the largest unspoiled gems in the world.
But actually Georgia and cultural routes in the country are not limited only by capital.
Kakheti wine region, similar to the Tuscan landscape, and foggy city Sighnaghi towering as proud guardian on a hill above the Alazani Valley, an impressive part of the tour. In the homeland of wine and ancient methods of its production, using clay pots – kvevri, you can learn the culture of wine in its purest form.
Driving to Meskheti and Javakheti region, it is necessary to visit the city Vardzija of XII century, which is the ancient cave monastery carved into the rock. The monastery was built by local residents to take shelter from the invasion of the Mongols. It consisted of more than six thousand rooms on the thirteenth floor. Initially, it was possible to gain access to the city via the well-hidden tunnels the entrances of which were located close to the nearby river.
A further point of travel is Khertvisi of X century, which is possible to reached in about twenty minutes walk through the cobblestone.
There is also Gori, an ancient city with its cathedral of XI century. This ancient fortress throughout history has been attacked countless times, but only once was destroyed in the thirteenth century, during the invasion of hordes of Genghis Khan. This is an irrefutable evidence of the resistance of the people who fought desperately defending their homeland.
You can spend the day without hesitation discovering the land of the Golden Fleece, located in the region of Imereti, in Western Georgia. Along the way, short of Kutaisi, on the pass there is a market of ceramics, with handmade works of local artists.
Kutaisi is the second largest city in the country, known in the past for the legend of the Golden Fleece. Here inimitable historical monuments as Gelati Monastery of the twelfth century, and the Cathedral of Bagrati, both important sites of world heritage of UNESCO.
Visiting millennial caves Sataplia or Prometheus cave, whose numerous stalactites and stalagmites form surprising arches and colonnades, leave long lasting impression.
City Uplistsikhe of the first millennium BC, carved into the rock, is a complex of old houses, markets, wineries, theater and church built in the rock.
Also not to be missed during your cultural tour the opportunity to visit the port of Batumi, the most important point of the Silk Road, with its mixture of cultures, culinary features and stories of life, a visit to the magnificent alpine areas as Kazbegi and the famous resort and the capital of well-known mineral water Borjomi.
So, whether you want an unforgettable cultural tour? Georgia will be able to offer you all this and more!